Ward Accomplishments

Accomplishments: What we’ve done
Giving A Voice to Residents
- Pioneered and successfully implemented Participatory Budgeting twice in the 15th Ward, giving residents a voice in how their tax dollars are used
- Facilitated the development of the Tower Grove South Neighborhood Organization
- Significantly increased voter engagement in the 15th Ward through year-around voter education and outreach
- Co-Sponsored legislation to create a Civilian Oversight Board to give residents more say in the police department
- Partnering with the Ethical Society of Police to have hard conversations needed to bridge the gaps between community and the police
Standing Up for People
- Appointed to the Continuum of Care for the St. Louis Region to develop solutions to ending chronic homelessness
- Passed the update to the City’s nuisance property ordinance to protect victims of domestic violence from unlawful evictions
- Championed the passage of the legislation to raise the minimum wage in the City of St. Louis
- Passed resolutions calling on the City of St. Louis and the Federal Government to accept Syrian Refugees to proclaim that the City of St. Louis will not stand for hate
- Recipient of the Hershel Walker Peace and Justice Award
Championing Good Government
- Co-sponsor of legislation to create campaign finance limits in the City of St. Louis
- Co-Sponsor of legislation to require fiscal notes on all legislation so that we know the financial implications of what we are passing
- Introduced legislation to get lobbyists off the floor and off of the desks of members of the Board of Alderman
- Co-Sponsor of legislation to ensure that Aldermanic votes are recorded online
- Fighting to ensure that public money is spent on the public good, and not subsidize millionaire and billionaires
Creating Safe Streets
- Completed the first ever 15th Ward traffic study and 5 year plan for making the 15th ward streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers
- Secured $1 million in Federal funding to improve pedestrian access to Tower Grove Park (to be completed 2017)
Leading the future
- Elected to represent the State of Missouri on the Democratic National Committee for the next 4 years
- St. Louis Magazine’s 100 People Who are Shaping St. Louis as a New Politico to Watch